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Demanding Views

Silverpop Highlights 11 Strategies For The Move To “Mocial” Marketing During Agent ROI Tour In NYC

The BtoB market is increasingly migrating to demand generation strategies that leverage mobile and social channels, largely due to the growth of networks like Facebook and Twitter, as well as the rapid penetration of tablet technology.

Marketing automation and email provider Silverpop explored the impact of these channels on marketing, and how to capitalize on — rather than fear — the shareable, accessible nature of “mocial” marketing during the New York City stop of its Agent ROI Digital Marketing Tour.

Revenue Performance Management: Demand Generation, Unleashed

Paul_Albright_headshotBy Paul Albright, Chief Revenue Officer, Marketo

Marketing execs: Do you know how much revenue your demand generation team is bringing in? If you can’t answer this, you’ve got a real problem. The good news is it’s not a tough fix — especially using new technology. And once you do, you’ll be at a huge advantage since most marketing efforts are seen by CEOs and CFOs as cost centers rather than revenue engines.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 4026