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Demanding Views

3 Implications of Facebook's IPO For B2B Demand Generation

Jason_Miller_headshotBy Jason Miller, Program Manager for Social Media and Content, Marketo

With Facebook poised to be one of the all-time top initial public offerings in history – potentially valued up to $100 billion when it’s all said and done – the entire web ecosystem and online economy is in for a permanent, monumental shift. Indeed, the juggernaut’s launch into Wall Street marks a new era in everything that takes place online, from ecommerce to content and beyond.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 5054

Socializing Your Salesforce: 5 Ways to Use Social Media To Generate Demand in 2012

Adam_BlitzerBy Adam Blitzer, Co-Founder & COO, Pardot

In 2011, B2B marketers made great strides in understanding how to capitalize on social media channels. By integrating social efforts with marketing automation and CRM systems, companies can take it up another notch. The following strategies will help your marketing and sales team maximize social media efforts for revenue gain and customer loyalty.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3243

From Content To Customer: 6 Tools for Turning Content Consumers into Customers

By Jesse Noyes, Corporate Reporter, Eloqua

Maybe no one needs to sell you on content marketing.Jesse_Noyes

You’ve got some guidance on how to map content to the buyer’s journey. But perhaps you’re still wondering what tools can help make the path smoother.

From blogging to email, there are so many touches in the journey from someone first finding your content to becoming a customer that it can feel overwhelming. These 6 technologies can make delivering, optimizing and measuring your content easier.

Mixing It Up: 3 Tips To Mobilize B2B Marketing Campaigns

Bryan_BrownBy Bryan Brown, Director of Product Strategy, Silverpop

Adding contacts to your prospect list is the necessary first step in building a comprehensive database of preference and behaviors that will enable marketers to send automated, triggered and highly relevant messages. People are accessing more channels than ever — whether it’s email, social media, web sites or their smartphones and tablets.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3667