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Demanding Views

Improving Campaign Effectiveness And Lead Quality: 4 Steps To Build An Offer Planning Matrix

By Caroline Bishop, VP Marketing, Web Reply

Caroline_BishopFor B2B marketers, the process of delivering marketing campaigns to support quarterly sales goals is both an opportunity and a challenge. The focus on deadlines and execution usually detracts from “thinking time” — the time to take a step back, gain perspective and plan for the future.  Continuing to deliver campaigns today while building a clear and concise strategy to improve effectiveness and lead quality, and to move beyond the quarterly scramble, is a constant challenge.  How do we win this battle?

Top 10 Marketing Challenges Better Served By Outsourcing

By Mike Shanker, CEO, Extraprise

Mike_Shanker_CEO_of_ExtrapriseEditor’s Note: The following is the second in a two-part series exploring the key considerations for when to outsource marketing, as well as the how to handle top marketing challenges. View part 1 here.

Last week, we discussed when it makes sense for an organization to outsource some of their critical marketing functions. Today, we take it one step further by discussing ten challenges that can be easily overcome by enlisting the help of outside professionals.

10 Signals That You May Need to Outsource More of Your Marketing

By Mike Shanker, CEO, Extraprise

Mike_Shanker_CEO_of_ExtrapriseEditor’s Note: The following is the first in a two-part series exploring the key considerations for when to outsource marketing, as well as the how to handle top marketing challenges.

Since Neil H. Gordon’s classic 1964 article, “The Concept of the Marketing Mix,” and E. Jerome McCarthy’s, “4Ps of Marketing,” much has been written about the basic elements of marketing. In addition to the standard Product, Price, Promote, Place attributes, the intervening years have seen many additions and variations: the 5 Ps and 7 Ps, among others.

  • Written by Mike Shanker, CEO, Extraprise
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 4027

Why Demand Generation Shouldn’t Be Focused On Marketing Qualified Leads

ABN_-_Headshot_-_22_AUG_2011-150wBy Adam B. Needles, Author, “Balancing the Demand Equation”

We're at a crossroads in modern B2B demand generation.

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of marketing automation adopters cite “generate more leads” as a key motivator, according to Gleanster. Similarly, 78% of B2B marketers report “generating high quality leads” as their greatest B2B marketing challenge in MarketingSherpa’s 2011 B2B Marketing Benchmark Report.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 11152