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Demanding Views

Consult Your Sales Team First: 3 Questions For Better Alignment

By Tom Jacobs, President,
Jacobs Agency

Jacobs-HeadShotToday, buyers from both worlds – B2B and B2C – control how they consume information. The evolution from one-way communication to more complex, two-way conversations between a brand and its audience gives power to the purchaser. In fact, a McKinsey research study reported that nearly two-thirds of touch points in the active-evaluation phase of consumer decision-making involve audience-driven activities.

Are You Content With Your Content?

By Julie Zadow, Marketing VP, Aberdeen Group

JulieZadow-pictureI’ve been thinking about the adage that everything old becomes new again, and about how it relates to the epic rise of content marketing as a buzzword, rallying cry and all-important directional philosophy for marketers around the globe. How did we get here?