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Demanding Views

Why Effective Multi-Channel Marketing Requires Customer Intelligence

By Joe Cordo, CMO of Extraprise

Editor's note: this is the second in a two-part series. Read Part One here.

Joe_CordoLast week, we discussed how to tie mobile and social profiles to the customer lifecycle in order to deliver the right kind of marketing to customers and prospects regardless of the channel. Today, we take it one step further by discussing the role of personalization and how it can be applied across multiple channels.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3440

Go Mobile, Go Social Or Go Home: Using Mobile And Social Media To Drive Buying Decisions

By Joe Cordo, CMO of

Editor’s note: This is the first in a two-part series.

Joe_CordoMulti-channel marketing is not new. Its genesis comes from integrated marketing communications, and its most recent evolution is from the vast number of possible customer interactions fueled by the Internet and mobile communications. What is new and evolving is moving beyond simply setting up social media and mobile channels to reach prospects, and actually publishing to these channels the kind of content and information they need to make purchase decisions.

6 Keys To Building A High Performance Revenue Marketing Practice

By Debbie Qaqish,
Principal Partner and Chief Revenue Marketing Officer for The Pedowitz Group

Debbie_QEditor's Note: This is the first installment in a three-part series.

There are six major controls to building and sustaining an effective Revenue Marketing practice: strategy, content, people, process, technology and results. You will use every one of these six controls to set your own unique path and pace for transforming marketing from a cost center to a revenue center.

Contact-Level Marketing: 4 Keys To Reaching The Right Buyers

By Jon Russo, Founder of B2B Fusion Group

Russo-HeadshotJonathan Becker (@jbecker), the CMO of SAP, presented at this year’s Sirius Decisions conference on how important it is in a B2B buying cycle to "market to people, and not market to buildings." Let’s take Becker's theme one step further and translate that approach to the CRM and marketing automation world.