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6 Keys To Building A High Performance Revenue Marketing Practice: Technology And Results

By Debbie Qaqish, Principal Partner and Chief Revenue Marketing Officer for The Pedowitz Group

Debbie_HeadshotEditor's Note: In this three-part series, Debbie Qaqish examines the six keys of building and growing a thriving Revenue Marketing practice – including strategy, content, people, process, technology and results. In Part One she talked about
strategy and content and Part Two covered people and processes. In this week's final installment, Debbie addresses Technology and Results.

The Fundamentals: Marketing Automation And CRM

Technology, more specifically marketing automation integrated with CRM, is the foundation for any Revenue Marketing practice. These tools provide the ability to track and report on real revenue contribution from marketing.

More Must Do's For Getting The Most Out Of Your Marketing Automation System

By Chris Frank, Marketing Director, TreeHouse Interactive

webinar_profile_chrisEditor's note: This is the second in a two-part series. Click here to read Part One.

Last week, we looked at the role technical capabilities and database cleanup issues play in maximizing the ROI from a company's marketing automation solution. This week, we'll look at two other key action items: business processes and measurement.

The Must Do’s for Getting the Most Out of Your Marketing Automation System

By Chris Frank, Marketing Director, TreeHouse Interactive

webinar_profile_chrisEditor's note: This is the first in a two-part series.

It is no secret that getting a marketing automation system up, running, and contributing to your bottom line takes both implementing technology and changing processes. But getting over this hurdle is often the end game for many marketers, not the beginning it should be. This article gives some clear tips on how to address technical capabilities and database cleanup issues to make the most of your marketing automation investment. We'll conclude next week by looking at the role that business processes and metrics play in maximizing ROI.

6 Keys To Building A High Performance Revenue Marketing Practice: People And Process

By Debbie Qaqish, 
Principal Partner and Chief Revenue Marketing Officer for The Pedowitz Group


Editor's note: In this three-part series, Debbie Qaqish examines the six keys of building and growing a thriving Revenue Marketing practice – strategy, content, people, process, technology and results.  In Part One she talked about Strategy and Content. In Part Two, Debbie discusses People and Process.

People Power

Ever played the fortune cookie game in a Chinese restaurant? You read your fortune from the slip of paper inside your fortune cookie, add two little words – “in bed” -- and it completely changes the meaning of your fortune!