COVID-19 Update

Demanding Views

How To Enjoy The End Of The Quarter

By Peter Gracey, President and COO, AG Salesworks

PeterGracey-pictureWhen there are only a few days left in the quarter, what’s the atmosphere like in your sales office? Are your team members ripping their trade show stress balls to pieces? Are your sales reps snapping at each other like tired and cranky children? How many arguments over who actually “owns the deal” that just closed did you mediate this week?  

Maybe a few of your reps are gently sobbing in their cubicles as their last and best chances at breaking quota just called to push out their orders until Q4.

Meeting Prospects Where They Are – In Their Moment Of Interest

By Mark Galloway,
President of OppSource

OppsourceDo you have any recollection of what you read online yesterday? Or better yet—what you searched for online yesterday? For those of us who spend the better part of our days in front of a screen of some type, it’s almost impossible to recall anything of note, even minutes after seeing it.

Selling Content Marketing To The C-Suite

By Frank Dale, CEO and President at Compendium

DaveContent marketing is a new discipline that’s gaining a lot of attention for its ability to drive product demand and shorten the sales cycle. By developing and marketing information that is easily found by prospects, companies can educate customers and demonstrate how their product or service solves customer problems.

Are You Ready For Lifecycle Marketing? Find Out With Five Questions

By Troy Burk, CEO and Founder of Right On Interactive

Burk-headshotAs marketers plan for 2013, many will be figuring out how they can economize, yet again, next year. Only 15 percent of companies plan to budget more for marketing in 2013, while 21 percent plan to scale back, according to the CMO Council.

Increasingly, marketers are looking for more efficient ways to identify and convert ideal prospects into customers, while nurturing current customer relationships so they buy more and become a source of referrals.