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DemandGen Reports

Pedowitz Group Forms Global Partnership With Europe’s Leadfabric

The Pedowitz Group recently announced a global alliance with Leadfabric, a thought leader for demand generation services in Europe. The partnership brings together the thought leadership and best practices provided by both firms. Multi-national companies will now be able to work with a single firm to fulfill their demand generation needs on a global basis.

"We are very excited to partner with Leadfabric," said Jeff Pedowitz, President and CEO of The Pedowitz Group. "Their results-oriented philosophy and methodology aligns with our approach and vision for achieving demand generation excellence with our customers. Together, we can now be the global demand generation agency of record and logical first choice for many firms."

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: DemandGen Reports
  • Hits: 3184 Marks Customer Milestones & Record Growth recently announced several company milestones. The company said that it had grown its revenue over 80% year over year, for the quarter ending April 30, 2010. The company also announced a 98% renewal rate among customers. The company said it plans to achieve profitability this year resulting from the combined effect of high revenue growth, low customer churn and streamlining of operations.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: DemandGen Reports
  • Hits: 4198

Oracle has acquired property assets of Market2Lead

Oracle has acquired the intellectual property assets of Market2Lead, a provider of demand generation and marketing automation software. Oracle plans to integrate Market2Lead's technology into Oracle CRM applications. The financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

Industry experts say the acquisition is a major game-changer for the industry. “Companies around the world tell us that marketing automation is the most important sales and marketing investment they’ve made,” said Joe Payne, CEO, Eloqua, in a blog post.  “I expect Oracle’s entry to make a major difference in the attention paid to this sector.  It’s going to open marketers’ eyes, and, as a result, expand the market.  This is exactly the type of movement this industry needs.”

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: DemandGen Reports
  • Hits: 3626