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DemandGen Reports

IBM Seeing Internal Payoffs From Marketing Automation With Unica Integration

In a buyer-drive marketplace, even the biggest brands are increasingly turning to technology to understand the critical importance of forecasting customer needs and demands more effectively.

According to the IBM 2010 Global CEO Study, 95% of top performing organizations identified getting closer to customers as their most important strategic initiative over the next five years. This is especially true for IBM, as the company’s approach to value creation required an extraordinarily deep knowledge of customer business processes that can only built upon intimate, trusted relationships.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: DemandGen Reports
  • Hits: 3641

Silverpop Adds New Automation Features With Engage 8.3 Upgrade

Working to help marketers engage prospects on “their own terms,” Silverpop recently announced new features as part of its Engage 8.3 product upgrade.

Snooze-editSince accumulating data about customers and prospects is an important goal for all marketers, Silverpop has added Progressive Web Forms and Multiple Lead Scoring models to its product suite. Because asking for too much information too soon, or failing to use the knowledge gathered to inform messaging can lead to impatient and uninterested contacts, Silverpop has taken steps to help marketers avoid these pitfalls.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: DemandGen Reports
  • Hits: 3695

Custom Becoming A “Cornerstone” Of Marketing, As CMOs Continue Shifting Ad Dollars To Content

While many organizations are challenged to harvest C-level buy-in on key business decisions, it’s becoming clear that content marketing has made its way up the ranks as a key business driver helping BtoB marketers effectively engage prospects.

A new study commissioned by the Custom Content Council — surveying CMOs in major industry sectors including healthcare, technology, finance, retail, communications and insurance — showed a marked improvement across all categories of usage, receptivity and results. Almost 9 in 10 CMOs said they see value in the service provided by custom content, representing a 15-point increase from 2006. The survey, conducted by GfK Roper Consulting by telephone in January 2011, provides new benchmarking data for a similar study conducted in 2006.