COVID-19 Update

How do you Score?

Download the Silverpop Vtrenz benchmark study of Lead Management practices so you can compare your lead management program results with industry averages. Silverpop analyzed data from 250 business-to-business companies to uncover key measurements of successful campaigns.

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5 Fast Payoffs From Investing in a Demand Generation Solution

This white paper provides marketing executives with a roadmap of quick paybacks they can expect from implementing a demand generation solution.In addition, this paper provides easy-to-implement, action items that will enable you to achieve quick wins in days and weeks, rather than months upon implementing a demand generation solution.

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Ready to Boost Revenue by Up to 10%?

It's easier than you think. The latest white paper from Manticore Technology gives you five actionable ways to unite Sales and Marketing for the betterment of your company, your clients, and your bottom line.  Filled with specifics, how-to's, and best practices, this complimentary white paper gives you unique ways to keep Sales and Marketing working toward a common goal. Hear from actual customers, see actual numbers, and view step-by-step instructions to stop the endless blame game. Your CEO will thank you for it.

Download Now.