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What’s Working in Webinars: A Look Inside the Best Practices of Power Users

When: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 10 AM (PDT) / 1 PM (EDT) - Register Today

In a world that teems with webinars, how do you rise above the rest to create an experience that thrills your audience and gets them talking?

Join Andrew Gaffney, editor of DemandGen Report, as he presents key takeaways and tactics currently employed by the most active and successful webinar producers. Discover insights into the formats, topics and promotional campaigns that are driving the best results. 

Attend this interactive webinar to learn:

  • Collaborative tools and functionality every company should use
  • Interactive features that add value to any webinar
  • Ways to maximize viewer experience
  • Strategies that extend the life of a webinar


Andrew Gaffney,
Editor, DemandGen Report
Jessica Eastman, Product Marketing Content Specialist, Citrix Online

Learn More.