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In Marketing, There’s No “One Size Fits All”

By Valerie Levin, Marketing Manager, Oktopost   Chances are you’ve heard the phrase “Knowledge is power.” But you probably haven’t heard "Knowledge is power, only if man knows what facts not to bother with.” It seems like sociologist Robert Staughton Lynd, who is credited with this quote, may have been…

Why Metrics Matter In Content Strategy

By Amber Trendell, Global Marketing Programs Director, Autotask Benchmarks and key performance indicators (KPIs) are essential guide posts to help us understand where we are in the context of our peers, industry and competition. Without them, there is no understanding of metrics such as maximum (or minimum) threshold for productivity,…

5 Essential Steps To Influencer Marketing Success

By Lee Odden, CEO, TopRank Online Marketing If you can find a way to solve multiple problems for your target audience with co-created influencer content and achieve high impact exposure, your brand will grow your own networks of influence. You will also expand your reach to new audiences and cultivate…

Best Practices For Aligning Marketing And Sales Content With Customer Needs

By Loren Padelford, EVP of Sales, Skura Corporation Companies are now required to hone their sales and marketing efforts to the individual needs and interests of each prospect in order to provide positive customer experiences amid the cacophony of today’s marketing-soaked landscape.  After all, 81% of companies with strong customer…

Is Poor Sales Content Driving Up Your Selling Costs?

By Stephen Diorio, Founder, Profitable Channels   B2B leaders are constantly searching for ways to improve sales productivity and battle rising selling costs. What most don’t realize is that the quality and effectiveness of their sales content are critical to addressing these issues. If you’re selling costs are rising faster…

Big Data Marketing Is No Longer A Gamble

By You Mon Tsang, CMO, Vocus In the gambling world, handicapping is a science. The best prognosticators compile endless results, statistics and outside factors to determine the outcome of a game that is yet to take place. But despite meticulous care and understanding, even the best predictions often fall short…
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