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DGR Radio (31)

Episode #15: Tom Scontras, VP of Sales and Marketing for Glance Networks

Screen_shot_2011-07-06_at_2.28.54_PMAndrew Gaffney, Editor for DemandGen Report, spoke with Tom Scontras, VP of Sales and Marketing for Glance Networks, following his presentation at the Sales 2.0 conference in Boston, Massachusetts. In this podcast, Scontras discusses the company's shift from appealing to the "Prosumer," or professional consumer, to the "Enterprise Consumer" and overall challenges that were faced. Although Glance Networks contracted high transaction amount by appealing to prosumers with low prices, enterprise consumer communication has created tremendous company growth. Learn more about Glance Networks' CRM tactics, its plug-in through AppExchange, and its integration with Chatter in this podcast.

Episode #14: Koen De Witte, Chief Weaving Officer of LeadFabric

Koen_De_WitteDemandGen Report Editor Andrew Gaffney caught up with Koen De Witte, Chief Weaving Officer of LeadFabric, at the SiriusDecision Summit May 4-6, 2011 in San Francisco, to discuss the difference between U. S. and European demand generation trends. De Witte noted that the U.S. is focused on direct sales landscape while Europe leans toward channels, creating complexity.


Episode #13 Sam Weber, CEO of

samweber_480xDuring the recent DemandCon event in San Francisco, DemandGen Report sat down with Sam Weber of At the time of the interview, Genius had just surpassed 1,200 companies taking advantage of its free account offer. Now adding more than 300 accounts per month, Weber openly discussed the company’s aggressive plans to grow to the freemium model to over 5,000 accounts by the end of the year.

Based on its current conversion rate of moving 7% of freemium account to paid, Weber projected that the company could double its revenues based on its accelerated growth in helping small businesses step up from email systems to add tracking and nurturing functionality.

Episode #12: Jeff Ernst, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research

Jeff-ErnstDemandGen Report sat down with Jeff Ernst, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, after he presented the opening keynote session at the recent DemandCon event. Ernst kicked off the event with the somewhat controversial suggestion that sales and marketing executives need to “bury the funnel.”
Tune in to this six-minute podcast to hear Ernst’s tips for how marketers need to shift their thinking and engage prospects with proactive positioning and by challenging the status quo with forward-looking content that starts a conversation.

Episode #11: Tom Pisello, Founder of Alinean


DemandGen Report Editor Andrew Gaffney caught up with Tom Pisello, Founder of Alinean and Author of the ROI Guy Blog at the SiriusDecisions Summit May 4-6, 2011 in San Francisco, which drew a crowd of more than 1,000 sales and marketing professionals. Pisello shared some of the key takeaways from the Summit, including the increased focus on sales enablement solutions and strategies.

Noting the critical need for BtoB marketing and sales team to nurture the problem of “frugalnomics,” or more empowered, skeptical buyers, Pisello shared details about Alinean’s interactive tools designed to move buyers through the buying cycle. To speak to the new breed of BtoB buyers, Alinean offers interactive white papers, diagnostic assessment tools and ROI benefit calculators to help organizations deliver relevant, engagement offers throughout the buying cycle.

Episode #10: David Lewis, CEO, DemandGen


At the recent SiriusDecisions conference in Arizona, DemandGen Report sat down with David Lewis, founder and CEO of DemandGen International, one of the leading automation and consultancies in the industry. A pioneer in the space, Lewis was one of the early adopters of marketing automation during his days as a marketing executive, and has helped guide the successful rollout of these tools and processes and a number of large enterprises.

During the discussion, Lewis shared insights into the changing use cases for marketing automation, as companies are now going deeper into lead management to track marketing performance and the “cold to close” impact of marketing on revenue and closed business.  Tune in to this 7-minute discussion for keen insights into the changing landscape of marketing operations and lead management from one of the top thought leaders in the industry.

Episode #9: Rob Solomon, CEO, Bulldog Solutions

Bulldog-RobBulldog Solutions recently announced a partnership with SalesLab DemandGen to provide integrated, revenue-driving demand-generation programs for BtoB companies in Europe, further indicating the growing global growth of automation adoption.

DemandGen Report recently spoke with Solomon about what this alliance means for the European market, and how market trends differ there from the U.S. Solomon shared his insights on market growth rates, the sophisticated usage of automation technology and how social media is changing go-to market strategy.

Episode #8: Clint Oram, CTO & Co-Founder, SugarCRM


This year’s SugarCon event week featured several big announcements, including SugarCRM’s acquisition of iExtensions CRM, and several new additions to Sugar 6, all aimed at enhancing the company’s leadership position around “social business.”

DemandGen Report sat down at the event with Clint Oram, CTO and Co-Founder of SugarCRM, to discuss the company’s product extensions and connections, including integration with leading applications from IBM, Google, Cisco WebEx, Citrix Online, and InsideView,

Episode #7 - Mike Volpe, VP Marketing at HubSpot On New Funding, Explosive Growth Rate

podcast 200wmike_volpe_160x160_orange_backgroundAfter securing $32 million is Series D funding from major backers including Sequoia Capital, Google Ventures and, HubSpot solidified its position as a leading player in the marketing software space.

DemandGen Report recently spoke with Mike Volpe, VP of Marketing at HubSpot, about the company’s current growth rate, as well as its unique positing versus other software providers in the marketing automation category.

A few highlights from the conversation include:

  1. How HubSpot’s revenue climbed from $11 million to $25 million over the past year;
  2. How the company is planning to add to another 2,000 customers to its current base of 4,000;
  3. The company’s positioning versus other vendors in the marketing automation space.


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