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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

Infographic: The Payoff Of Lead Grading And Scoring

It is hard for busy B2B marketers to make time for lead grading and scoring efforts, but the payoff is worthwhile, according to this infographic from Pardot. This infographic also outlines the difference between grading and scoring prospects.

Choosing A Marketing Automation Consultant: A Step-By-Step Guide

Marketing automation is an engine that drives remarkable revenue growth for companies that use it effectively. Unfortunately, many firms struggle to put the pieces together when they invest in marketing automation. This E-book, presented by LeadMD in conjunction with Demand Gen Report, offers a solution to this challenge. It explains how the right marketing automation consultant can unleash the full…

Infographic: Few Tracking Sales To Social Media

Only 3% of companies can track social media to sales, according to the Ragan/NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions survey, highlighted in this infographic developed by Go-Gulf. Most (82%) of companies have fewer than three people on their social media team.

Infographic: B2B Social Media Strategies Still Evolving

While B2B social media is maturing, this  State of the B2B Social Media infographic from B2B Marketing indicates that B2B marketers still have a way to go in honing their social network tactics. Almost one third (61%) described their social media strategy as “ad-hoc.” Twitter was the most popular channel…

7 Ways Sales Professionals Drive Revenue With Social Selling

QUICK TIPS: This E-book also features 7 easy-to-share tips from Koka Sexton, one of the top thought leaders in the selling space and a new member of the LinkedIn Sales Solution marketing team. Much of the face- to-face networking that traditionally took place at events is now happening online, and introductions are happening via social connections. This new E-book from…

Infographic: Sorting Out Social Media Metrics

Only 24% of companies that are monitoring their social media accounts said they were monitoring the ROI of social campaigns, according to this infographic from Infosys.  Are you monitoring what matters?

Turn Your Enterprise Sales Intelligence Into Best-In-Class Results

“It’s like drinking from a fire hose!” “I’m busier than a one-armed paper-hanger!” “How do I cut through all the noise?” Do phrases like these describe the challenges your B2B sales organization faces? Today, many sales professionals struggle under an avalanche of data about prospects, customers and markets. Yet instead of making their jobs easier, the sheer volume of this…

A Clearer View of Marketing & Sales Pipeline Management

Live Webinar: May 1st, 2013 at 2PM ET / 11AM PT  •  Register Now » While the view of “prospects to leads to opportunities to wins” is still a relevant view of the B2B sales and marketing pipeline, traditional models for effective pipeline management is obsolete. A two-dimensional view of marketing-generated leads that sales reps then develop does not accommodate…

Infographic: What Does A Lead Cost?

While a shotgun approach such as direct mail or a webinar can hit more targets and generate more initial responses, a multi-touch outbound prospect development campaign can yield more qualified leads at a lower cost per lead, as this infographic from PointClear illustrates.

Infographic: How Scientific Attribution Modeling Works

You roll out your new digital marketing campaign and sales can go one of three ways: increase, decrease or stay the same. What factors can you attribute to this? This infographic from BKV, a direct and digital marketing company, compares the traditional ways of attributing value to the scientific method.
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