The Missing Ingredient(s) For Account-Based Success According To The ABM Benchmark Report

Aired On: October 21, 2020 @ 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT

In this special edition webcast, we'll be unveiling and analyzing brand new benchmark research looking at how B2B brands are approaching account-based strategies in a post-COVID world. The webcast will spotlight some of the big gaps where B2B brands could be missing the mark in terms of their approach, as well as look present opportunities where brands can substantially ramp up results in 2021.

Some of the key topics/questions that will be tackled during the session will include:

  • Which channels are most popular among ABM practitioners, and which are showing the best return on investment;
  • The mismatch in how some companies are measuring the success of their account-based programs;
  • The growing disparity between organizations in orchestration and alignment between marketing and sales on account-based motions, and
  • Where ABM programs are having the biggest impact on core business goals, including more efficient marketing, faster sales cycles and stronger customer relationships.


Brandon Redlinger

Andrew Gaffney
Demand Gen Report