COVID-19 Update


The Do’s & Don’ts Of Social Media Management

Social media has evolved from just a content and advertising channel into an opportunity for companies to directly connect with and engage their target audiences. This infographic outlines the basics of social media management to help marketers successful leverage this critical channel.

Take Steps Now To Ensure The Future Of Your Brand

As the world slowly starts to shift into recovery mode from the Covid-19 pandemic, companies need to capitalize on the trust and credibility they’ve built with their clients. This infographic from LinkedIn features a wide range of tips on how to evolve digital marketing and outreach strategies, as well as…

Top Tips & Tricks For Leveraging LinkedIn

71% of marketers opt to share their content on LinkedIn — making the social media platform a key channel for demand generation. This infographic provides some best practices to help companies share the right content, build strong connections and bolster their online presence.

Search Engine Optimization Trends 2021

Search engines are typically the first place prospects go to research a brand, meaning they are the strongest digital arena for attracting targeted customers. This infographic from Digital Marketing Philippines outlines the latest search engine optimization (SEO) trends to help organizations climb the online ranks.

Buyer Personas Demystified

Static buyer personas are no use to marketers. Instead, they must evolve with the business and be as clear as possible, which is often one of the most challenging aspects given the quick evolution of the marketing space. This infographic from Grazitti Interactive helps walk companies through the creation of…

Social Media Etiquette: 10 Best Practices To Follow

Social media is often a reflection of a brand’s conduct with its customers, and in today’s digital world, it’s a hot spot for prospective buyers to get an idea of the treatment they can expect from a company. This infographic from Red Website Design highlights the steps marketing teams can…

Mid-Year Digital Marketing Trends Report 2021

The worldwide shift to remote work spurred different purchasing behaviors among consumers, prompting all businesses to rethink their sales and marketing strategies. This infographic from Digital Marketing Philippines highlights some of the most effective digital marketing strategies organizations have implemented so far.

Massive Sales Time-Wasters... And How To Fix Them

Gartner research shows that only 23% of B2B sales reps believe they are prepared to sell in a virtual B2B industry, which results in missed sales opportunities and restricted company growth. This infographic from RingDNA spotlights the biggest pitfalls in modern B2B selling, including faulty data processes, the inability to…

Inbound vs Outbound Lead Generation: A Visual Comparison

Effective lead generation depends on an organization’s ability to differentiate their inbound and outbound programs. This infographic from Spiralytics compares inbound and outbound lead generation, highlighting the required skills and techniques each strategy needs to capture and nurture leads effectively.