COVID-19 Update


Infographic: What's The Best Way To Distribute Your Content?

  This infographic from sales and marketing agency NuGrowth Solutions explains the best methods for getting your various pieces of content out to the masses. It outlines the content distribution methods to get eyes on your content, minds on your organization, and leads to your sales team.

Infographic: 7 Steps To A More Effective B2B Keyword Strategy

  For B2B marketers, developing a winning keyword plan starts with knowing your company, customers and competitors. But that’s just the beginning. Heinz Marketing assembled this infographic to help execute a keyword initiative that will impact your SEO.

Infographic: A B2B Marketer’s Guide To SXSW

  While SXSW built its reputation as a consumer tech show, it’s not so cut and dry nowadays. While B2B marketers are finding value in the Austin, Texas, show that starts March 7, uncovering relevant sessions, workshops, networking events and more can be challenging. Demandbase and Doremus have teamed up to help B2B marketers navigate…

Inforgraphic: 10 Commandments of Email Copywriting

  Are you guilty of the sin of lackluster email copy? Howard Sewell and the staff at Spear Marketing Group put together these 10 decrees for heavenly email marketing, no doubt created on a different type of tablet than the original. 

Infographic: A View Of The Social Selling Landscape

  The emergence of Big Data, social selling and content marketing has changed the way B2B marketing is done. This infographic from Introhive examines the various social media channels and their effectiveness for building brand awareness, lead nurturing and generating sales.

Infographic: Can Cupid Save The Sales And Marketing Relationship?

  You can ask almost anyone about how to build a strong relationship, and they’ll likely tell you it’s a combination of communication, compromise and work. However, recent findings from a SAVO/BrightTALK poll, outlined in this infographic, suggest the relationship between marketing, sales and the buyer’s journey may have hit a…

Infographic: Content Marketing 2014 Projections

  Social media is the top content marketing tactic, used by 87% of B2B marketers, according to this infographic from Get Smart Content. On average, B2B marketers use 13 different content marketing strategies.   

Infographic: Reaping The Benefits Of Lead Scoring

  While more than one third (36%) of those surveyed by Kentico have a lead scoring system in place, almost the same number (37%) are not using lead scoring. According to this infographic from the digital marketing technology vendor, 42% of lead scoring adopters gained measurable ROI on their lead generation programs.…