COVID-19 Update


How Data Quality Impacts Marketing

Nearly three quarters (70%) of organizations have adopted data quality tools to gain a more complete view of their buyers. This infographic from Trillium Software highlights how companies can drive more revenue by making data the focal point of their marketing decisions. [Click To Enlarge]   Source: Trillium Software

How B2B Marketers Can Nurture Like Netflix

Savvy B2B marketers are taking a cue from Netflix by moving to “always-on” nurturing campaigns where buyers engage on their own timelines. This infographic from LookBookHQ outlines how B2B marketers can incorporate tactics such as personalization and recommendations to nurture prospects in the Netflix era. [Click To Expand] Source: LookBookHQ

Making The Case For B2B E-Commerce

An overwhelming majority (88%) of executives purchase business products online. Nearly half (49%) intended to buy a specific product, but purchased a competing solution instead because it was easier to complete the transaction online. This infographic from Sullivan, a digital marketing agency, highlights some key statistics regarding B2B online sales.…

Four Overlooked Success Factors In Demand Generation

While many demand generation experts focus on tasks such as targeting the right audience and developing appropriate offers, they could be overlooking some important elements. This infographic from Crimson Marketing highlights the four critical steps to successful demand generation. [Click To Expand]   Source: Crimson Marketing  

10 Tips For Social Media Marketing

In this digital age, social media marketing is more than just an informational hub. It is a tool to serve clients and drive traffic. This infographic from oneclickhere, an online marketing firm, outlines the benefits of social media marketing, including the ability to segment messaging and drive inbound traffic. [Click…

The Ultimate Guide To Creating Visually Appealing Content

Content with relevant images receives 94% more views than content without. This highlights how buyers looking to educate themselves on topics of interest prefer highly visual content compared to blocks of text. This infographic from QuickSprout dives deep into how visual content is impacting various channels, and how to begin…

Need For Customer Insights Fuels Growth Of Sales Acceleration Tools

The need for greater customer insights is sparking many companies to invest in sales tools to better understand the buyer’s journey. This infographic from LiveHive highlights the $30 billion market for sales acceleration technologies designed to serve millions of data-driven salespeople. [Click To Expand] Source: LiveHive

Optimizing Omnichannel Marketing Initiatives

Big Data and predictive analytics aim to help B2B organizations offer as personalized of a customer experience as possible, but exactly how do they both work together? This infographic from Neustar highlights how industry leaders are using predictive analytics alongside their customer data to offer a consistent brand experience across…