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31 Content Marketing Stats For 2017

Research shows that content marketing has proven results in a B2B environment. Roughly four out of every five B2B CMOs (78%) say custom content is the future of marketing. This infographic from Red Website Design shares industry research from the Content Marketing Institute, The Altimeter Group and more to highlight…

A Brief History Of Content Marketing

This infographic from GetApp breaks down the growth and evolution of content marketing over the past decade. It also shares interesting stats spotlighting trends that had a positive—and negative—impact on the practice from year to year.

7 Steps To Inbound Marketing Success

Inbound marketing has become a no-brainer in the B2B landscape, whether it's through social media, content or search engine optimization. The strategy helps create brand awareness so savvy buyers can find you at the click of a mouse. This infographic from HubMonks showcases the seven steps to inbound marketing success,…

5 Industry Experts Sound Off On B2B Content Challenges

Even though the content marketing landscape has evolved into a pivotal part of many B2B marketing strategies, there are still hurdles to overcome before the content can thrive. This infographic from Kapost shares insight into B2B challenges from five content marketing thought leaders, including Ann Handley, Michael Brenner and Ardath…

Success With Salesforce For Full-Cycle Reps

Traditional sales teams are oftentimes looped into the buyer's journey once they are ready to make a purchase. But for full cycle reps—salespeople who manage the entire sales process—having the right tools can make even the toughest tasks manageable. This infographic from SalesLoft discusses how full-cycle sales reps can leverage…

Top Data Challenges Social Advertisers Face

As marketers continue to test and measure how their database can better their business decisions, social advertisers face some challenges—including a lack of internal technical expertise and capabilities to normalize social data. This infographic from Unified highlights key findings from a recent study that revealed pain points among social advertisers…

15 Stats About Blogging And Content Marketing

Blogging is one of the many content marketing initiatives that can have a positive impact on a B2B business. Research shows that B2B companies that blog see 67% more leads per month than those that don’t. This infographic from Inbound Systems shares stats validating the positive impact blogging can have…

7 Fixable Content Marketing Mistakes To Address

Content strategies must continuously adapt to meet buyer expectations in order to generate success. However, there are still some common mistakes that can easily be addressed to maximize content effectiveness. This infographic from Curata spotlights seven of the biggest content marketing mistakes B2B companies fall victim to, along with reasons…

A Visual Digital Marketing Strategy To Boost ROI

When it comes to engaging prospective buyers in a digital environment, B2B marketers must align their initiatives via relevant channels — such as SEO, PPC, social media and more — to make an impact on the bottom line. This infographic from Digital Vidya provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to formulating…