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7 Steps To Brilliant B2B Marketing

Beating out the competition in B2B may not always be easy due in part to the growing number of moving parts in creating a strategy and measuring the results. This infographic from Smart Insights pulled together some statistics to give marketers a handy tool of reference when it comes to…

The Paid Search Paradox

As buyers continue to crave more short-form, visual content during their purchasing journey, infographics can often be overlooked as a lead generation asset. But this content format can go beyond driving engagement and traffic and can result in 7x higher conversion rates. Check out this infographic from Spiralytics, which spotlights…

A Complete Guide To Using Infographics For Lead Generation

As buyers continue to crave more short-form, visual content during their purchasing journey, infographics can often be overlooked as a lead generation asset. But this content format can go beyond driving engagement and traffic and can result in 7x higher conversion rates. Check out this infographic from Spiralytics, which spotlights…

Video Marketing Statistics For 2020

With video marketing growing at a staggering rate, it is obvious that the foreseeable future is increasingly favoring more visual content. The below infographic from breadnbeyond shares some useful information about video usage, video trends and more.

LinkedIn For B2B Lead Generation: Why, When, How

While LinkedIn may serve as a business-focused environment unlike other social media tools, it can also help users more proactively acquire new business. This infographic from Oktopost discusses specific methods and timeframes best for generating B2B leads through LinkedIn.

5 Types Of Social Media Content Your Followers Will Love to Share

Social media's impact has spread beyond just individual users, with it now almost being a requirement for brands looking to reach their audience where they frequent the most. For companies that feel like they're struggling to generate engagement on social media posts, this infographic from Next Day Flyers presents five…

Four Types Of Customer Data To Enhance Your Marketing Campaign

Digital marketers must recognize the most critical data from their customers and use that knowledge to deliver a better experience. When digital marketing campaigns utilize the right data, ROI and sales can benefit. Because vast amounts of data can be overwhelming, this infographic from Connext Digital highlights four types of…

A Small Business Guide To LinkedIn

With LinkedIn serving as a source of professional content and networking for executives around the world, small business owners should look at it as a key channel for building their brand. Sharing or publishing quality content on LinkedIn can get small businesses the right kind of attention from the right…