COVID-19 Update

DiscoverOrg Unveils HubSpot Integration For Lead Management Tool

DiscoverOrg-HubSpot logosDiscoverOrg, an IT sales intelligence solutions provider, launched HubSpot Webhooks for DiscoverOrg, a tool intended to simplify lead management and provide IT companies with cross-platform access to real-time insights on current and prospective buyers.

The solution is designed to allow data sharing across platforms. HubSpot users will be positioned use data within their platform as well as DiscoverOrg’s sales intelligence database — aiming to improve the accuracy and efficiency of lead nurture programs.

The tool is designed to provide sales and marketing teams with real-time access to updated demographic and firmographic data, while also providing additional information, including:

  • Detailed job responsibilities;
  • Department reporting structure;
  • Technologies installed;
  • Leadership changes; and
  • Spending initiatives.


“Constantly adding improvements to our sales intelligence platform — such as integrations with leading marketing tools like HubSpot — furthers our commitment to provide our customers with rapid access to actionable account intelligence.” said Henry Schuck, co-founder and CEO of DiscoverOrg. “By leveraging both platforms, customers will close deals faster than ever when pairing the high quality of our continually refreshed database with leading sales and marketing platforms used today.”