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HubSpot's State Of Inbound 2014: Only Half Of Marketers Are Tracking ROI

HubSpot LogoMost companies are practicing inbound marketing, and that is true of companies of all sizes. The concentration of inbound marketers peaks (93%) at companies with a marketing budget between $1 million and $5 million annually, according to the 3,570 marketers surveyed for HubSpot’s State Of Inbound 2014  report.

“Marketers are twice as likely to cite inbound as their primary source of leads as opposed to outbound,” said Joe Chernov, VP of Content for HubSpot, during a session outlining the study at INBOUND 2014. “Salespeople prioritize inbound leads because they know inbound works.”

Chernov said ROI measurement is becoming more critical and needs to go beyond measuring campaign effectiveness. “ROI is the key to unlocking the budget and marketers need to think about ROI in the long term, not just campaign to campaign.”

However, only 53% of respondents to the survey track ROI, Chernov noted. “Measuring ROI automatically puts you in the top half of the marketing profession. Why wouldn’t you do it?”

Other highlights:

  • Marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13X more likely to enjoy positive ROI
  • Social media, blogs, SEO and email have become the most important sources for leads over the past six months; and
  • Marketers concluded that content marketing is a subset of inbound at nearly twice the rate (59% to 33%) as all other options combined.


Click here to download the full report.