COVID-19 Update

Demanding Views

More Than 70% Of Buyers Want Sales Involved Early In The Buying Process

dan mcdaderet favorite 3By Dan McDade, President and CEO, PointClear, LLC

Two things have restored my faith in humanity so far this year. One is an article by ITSMA’s Julie Schwartz in which she writes “70% of buyers want to engage with sales reps before they identify their short list” (her research actually shows it is 71%).The other is a quote in one of Craig Rosenberg’s too cool for school “Madlibs” — this one authored by Gary Hart — which says: “Over the next couple of years in sales, I can’t wait to see lead generation that gets sales people in at the beginning of the buying cycle.”

  • Written by Kim Zimmermann
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 5995

Three Things CMOs Should Never Stop Thinking About

BrianReilly Harte-HanksBy Brian Reilly, VP of Marketing Automation Services, Harte-Hanks

CMOs have a lot on their plates. One thing that’s most often top-of-mind is marketing automation. The overriding consideration is ensuring that marketing automation is a good investment both for the organization and its stakeholders. To help keep the focus on what’s most critical, I suggest breaking the umbrella concept of marketing automation into these very familiar areas: process, resource management and technology.

  • Written by Kim Zimmermann
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3311