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Feature Articles

Forrester Introduces New Marketing Models To Help Companies “ADAPT” To The Next Digital Decade

As marketers prepare to address the “next digital decade,” many are finding themselves lacking when it comes to strategies, tools and tactics to connect with customers across emerging mediums such as social media and mobile. This skills and strategy gap was explored in several sessions at the 2011 Forrester Marketing Forum in San Francisco.

Illustrating this gap, Forrester Research recently found that:

  • 84% of CMOs say they have inadequate budgets for experimentation;
  • 74% said they inadequate executive support and
  • 67% pointed to inadequate marketing technology.

 “CMOs are in a crisis of confidence,” pointed out Chris Stutzman, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Feature Articles
  • Hits: 3444

Marketing Automation Category Shows Record Growth in Q1 In Revenue & Customer Count

Marketing automation vendors across the board reported an increase in revenue, customers and year-over-year growth in Q1. Players focused on serving the enterprise-level market reached new milestones, while vendors catering to the SMB market reported record quarters as well. While some industry insiders attributed the growth to the need for more sophisticated marketing programs, vendors pointed out that other verticals, including healthcare and financial services, are adopting automation tools more rapidly.

New Crowdsourcing Marketplace For Sharing Sales Leads Launched By Market2Lead Founder

gI_pressreleaseimage.pngCrowdsourcing has emerged as a popular and high growth business model in industries from fashion to media to venture capital. Now a new business launch by the founder of Market2Lead is planning to tap into the collective intelligence of peers to provide a source of sales-ready leads.

Billed as the world’s first peer-to-peer lead exchange, launched this week as a “sales-ready” marketplace for sharing tips on customers ready to make a purchase.

  • Written by Andrew Gaffney
  • Category: Feature Articles
  • Hits: 3749