Next Version Of Microsoft Dynamics Will Focus On Marketing Integration, Mobile
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- Published in Social & Mobile
The company has not disclosed any precise details of the new features that will be available, but company officials noted that the changes will center around developing a personalized experience for consumers through improved marketing automation and mobile access.
To improve social collaboration, updated version of Dynamics CRM will be more tightly integrated with the Microsoft marketing automation solution MarketingPilot. Users will be able to automate product, budget and resource management while overseeing marketing campaigns across all channels.
Microsoft officials said that business processes such as sales, services and marketing can now be changed on the fly on both online and on-promise versions of Dynamics CRM to retain the “agility” of the platform.
Dynamics CRM will also be available as a mobile app for a variety of devices: iOS tablets, Windows 8 tablets, Windows 8 phones, iOS phones and Android phones. It will also upgrade its previous integrations with Yammer, Lync and Skype.