New Email Strategy Guide Coming From DemandGen Report

DemandGen Report will be launching a Special Report this August addressing the emerging trends and challenges in the email marketing category. “The Marketer’s Guide to Email Strategies,” is a compilation of industry-related trend pieces from top email marketers, analysts and vendor executives.

With prospective buyers and consumers inundated with upwards of 247 million emails per day, the guide will include key takeaways, steps and factors to help optimize your deliverability and rendering.

The Marketer’s Guide to Email Strategies will address hot areas such as  leveraging social media and sharing tools, cross channel integration and questions to ask your ESP. The guide includes contributed content from Brooks Bell of Brooks Bell Interactive, Silverpop’s Adam Needles, Bronto Software’s Sally Lowery and ReturnPath’s Stephanie Miller.

Stay tuned for the complete report, to be released the first week of August.