LoopFuse Offers FreeView Marketing Automation Solution

LoopFuse recently announced the availability of FreeView, a free, fully-functional marketing automation platform designed to meet the needs of SMB marketers. FreeView, the free version of Loopfuse OneView, offers lead scoring, visitor analytics, and multi-flight, responsive email campaigns.

Loopfuse’s most recent launch aims to nurture marketers’ need in the current climate of shrinking budgets and heightened pressure to generate qualified leads. SMB marketers increasingly need user-friendly, cost-effective marketing automation tools to close the gap between sales and marketing. Similar to emerging pay-for-performance models, FreeView is designed to provide clients with the flexibility of growing with the solution, giving users the option of progressing to higher levels of usage as needed, for a fee. However, the FreeView offering is not a trial, never expires and is a fully-functioning marketing automation system.

“FreeView is the right offering at the right time for SMB marketers,” said Marcus Tewksbury, Analyst with MarketingMojo. “Marketing organizations everywhere are remaking themselves for the ‘digital gone social reality’ and they need new tools to manage customer engagement. LoopFuse FreeView has all the functionality a marketer needs, as well as a pricing model perfect for the SMB space.”