LinkedIn and B2B Marketing: A Perfect Pair? Marketing Experts Highlight Tactics To Leverage The Business Social Network

By Matt McKenzie, Contributing Editor

Editor’s Note: The following article is the first in a two-part series highlighting the nuances of B2B marketing on LinkedIn. Part two will be available in next week’s edition of DemandGen Report.

Over the past few years, LinkedIn has evolved into a major social media platform for B2B marketing. But just how does LinkedIn compare to other social media platforms, and how should marketers take advantage of its unique capabilities?

These are big questions, but many experts and B2B marketers are increasingly confident about the answers. As it turns out, LinkedIn is far more effective at generating leads than other social media sites, and it now offers an impressive arsenal of tools designed specifically for B2B marketing. At the same time, weak analytics and a conservative approach to third-party app support mean that marketers still face some challenges managing – and measuring – their LinkedIn activities.

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