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New Research Reveals BtoB Brands Missing Out On E-Commerce Play

The click-to-cash transaction enjoyed by BtoC brands may seem like a stretch for BtoB organizations with longer sales cycles, but new research suggests BtoB firms are missing out on an opportunity by failing to incorporate e-commerce capabilities into their Web sites.

A new survey conducted by DemandGen Report in partnership with Rainmaker Systems revealed that while 32% of BtoB buyers are willing to consider promotional offers made at the point of a transaction, 73.3% of mid-market BtoB sellers online do not have cross-selling or up-selling capabilities. The survey, titled 2011 Web Imperatives, also revealed a potential correlation between Web traffic BtoB brands and deal size. For example, the survey found 71.4% of mid-market BtoB companies are seeing an increase in Web traffic, and only 28.6% of those firms indicated a fall in average online order size.

The survey also indicated that limiting the Web’s impact to branding initiatives could be failing to provide customers the flexibility they crave in the buying process. For example, 78.6% of C-level executives listed increasing visibility of their brand as the #1 online imperative, but 42.9% of buyers surveyed said they want more comprehensive product information and 28.6% want easier and more efficient ways to buy products.

A deep dive of the complete 2011 Web Imperatives study results will be presented on a webinar tomorrow, October 27 at 1pm EST. Registration is still open for interested executives here.