Marketo Rolls Out New Analytics App Aimed At Helping Marketers Forecast Pipeline Impact

Marketo unveiled its new marketing analytics solution today, Revenue Cycle Analytics, which packages software together with a methodology designed to make it easier for marketers to measure and optimize the buying cycle and accelerate predictable revenue.

While some marketing automation and CRM solutions provide operational reporting on the status of leads and prospects, Marketo’s Revenue Cycle Analytics is designed provide intelligence into how prospects move through the revenue cycle over time.

“Increasingly, marketing is being held accountable for producing revenue results and this transformation requires a new focus on measuring and forecasting the impact marketing activities have on the bottom line,” said Phil Fernandez, President and CEO of Marketo.

Industry analysts also validated the growing need for improved predictability and measurement of marketing investments on the pipeline. “Marketers are under extreme pressure to demonstrate how their activities impact revenue,” said Megan Heuer, Service Director, SiriusDecisions, a leading source for BtoB sales and marketing best-practices research and data. “We believe good marketing reporting demonstrates how the function serves as a predictable source of revenue for the business. Understanding marketing’s impact starts with recognizing that the buying process takes place over an extended time period with multiple stages and influencers. Truly valuable analytics deliver insight based on past results and future projections to support continuous improvement of marketing’s performance.”

The new Revenue Cycle Analytics release will consist of a family of the following five products:

  • Analytics Engine—A scalable, open analytics platform designed to improve the ability to see how lead activity trends over time and add more sophisticated revenue analysis over time.
  • Revenue Cycle ModelerImmediately available to all Marketo customers, the modeler enables marketers to leverage Marketo’s methodology and templates to model their revenue cycle;
  • Revenue Cycle ExplorerA visual tool providing dashboards, the Explorer product helps marketers measure conversion and velocity. It also helps monitor program effectiveness over time and by stage, and adjust spend accordingly
  • Planning and Forecasting--Uses predictive analytics to forecast future pipeline and revenue generated from marketing activities;
  • Executive Insights—Designed to create boardroom-ready dashboards and presentations.

The Marketo Revenue Cycle Modeler and the Marketo Analytics Engine are available immediately, with the remaining products rolling out during the remainder of 2010.