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DemandGen Report Honors 6 Firms For Sales & Marketing Success

One of the most critical elements of any successful demand generation program is a common set of goals, measurements and processes among the sales & marketing departments. To work cohesively, each team must align its efforts with one another to streamline the marketing and selling process. In this special DemandGen Report, we are profiling 6 leading organizations as part of our second annual Sales & Marketing Alignment Awards.

This year’s winners get kudos for their innovations and ability to step outside the traditional selling box. These companies have seized the opportunity to generate leads and close deals when it mattered the most. The winners cover an array of industries — from financial services to intelligent logistics.

The common ingredients among these firms is their success in using tools such as lead scoring, email/web tracking and social media tactics to increase the efficiency of their sales and marketing teams and demonstrate ROI.

Here’s a look at the winners:

  • Nortel (now Avaya)
  • CaseCentral
  • The Dun & Bradstreet
  • Dematic
  • The Savings Bank Life Insurance Company of Massachusetts
  • BreakingPoint


To find out how these companies aligned their sales & marketing teams for streamlining success, click here to download The 2010 Sales & Marketing Alignment Awards.