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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

Content Marketing Versus Brand Storytelling

Content marketing and brand storytelling are common practices that companies implement to move their strategies forward, but they’re not one and the same. From content marketing materials such as white papers and videos to developing the brand’s overall story, it’s beneficial to know what sets them apart. This infographic from…

116 Stats And Facts About Video Marketing

Businesses are using video as a marketing tool now more than ever to improve website traffic, consumer engagement and click-throughs. Ninety percent of modern marketers are already utilizing video, and by 2020, video content is predicted to make up 82% of web traffic. This infographic from Review42 details how companies…

The Definitive Guide To Digital Advertising

New ad technology platforms, types of ads, methods of tracking, dynamic ad content and advances, such as the IoT, now provide endless opportunities for marketers and advertisers to engage in a cross-channel way. But, all of these new engagement opportunities can be confusing! And if executed poorly, they can lead to low engagement and irritated buyers. The goal of this…

8 Steps To Build A Capable Social Media Marketing Strategy

Developing your brand's voice via social media is an important aspect of marketing. From understanding the brand's audience persona to crafting social media marketing objectives, this infographic from SocialMediaToday details how brands can build a social media strategy that actually has an impact.

ABM Benchmarks For 2020 & Beyond: Breaking Down the Tactics, Data and Reports that Drive Successful Account-Based Strategies

Aired On: Oct. 16 @ 2 PM ET Account-based marketing strategies have become a focal aspect of the B2B marketplace's go-to-market strategy, with (73%) of ABM practitioners meeting or exceeding performance expectations. But what's in store for ABM practitioners in 2020 and beyond? During this webcast, experts from Demandbase and Demand Gen Report discuss key findings from the latest ABM…

Five Content Marketing Metrics Your Business Needs To Measure

Understanding how a company’s content is performing is an important part of content marketing and illustrates whether the strategy needs to be improved or altered. This infographic from Media Update details the five content marketing metrics that businesses should be measuring to improve their content marketing strategy, including backlink, unique…

2019 B2B Innovator Awards

35 High Rollers Who Hit The Jackpot With Game-Changing Campaigns & Strategies The third-annual B2B Innovator Awards spotlight 35 game-changing B2B marketers who have upped the ante in advancing emerging fields such as ABM and AI, have gone all in on out-of-the box campaigns and strategies and hit the ROI jackpot. The 2019 high rollers represent a variety of industries,…

2019 State Of Video & Interactive Content

B2B Content Creators Fueling Engagement & Generating Deeper Buyer Insights With Video, Interactive Formats Modern buyers who have grown accustomed to watching YouTube and Netflix in their consumer lives now expect the same visual experiences in B2B. Therefore, progressive companies such as OMI and SOC Telemed are incorporating video and interactive content throughout their sales funnel to meet prospect expectations.…

How To Build A B2B Influencer Marketing Strategy For 2020

Influencer marketing has quickly become a hot topic, especially in B2C marketing, but many B2B marketers are still scratching their heads at how to actually execute an influencer strategy in a business-to-business context. This infographic from TopRank Marketing answers frequently asked questions about the topic, including how influencer marketing fits…

2019 Lead Nurturing & Acceleration Survey Report

With Added Pressures To Improve Acceleration Programs, Marketers Moving Beyond Over Reliance On Emails And Gated Offers The importance of lead nurturing programs has only heightened in recent years, as more internal stakeholders are added to the consideration process and B2B organizations are putting greater time and attention to reduce risks in their selection process. However, while marketing teams are…

Social Selling Dos and Don’ts

This infographic from Salesforce illustrates setting goals for a social media strategy, engaging with prospects without broadcasting generic marketing messages, being authentic and adding value to the conversation with 12 dos and don'ts can lead to a successful marketing strategy.
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