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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

Automating Customer Lifecycle Management

  Live Date: Tuesday, January 29th 2013 at 12 PM ET / 9 AM PT • Register Now » Successful relationship marketing is all about connected, carefully timed, and highly relevant conversations with your customers and community. The more targeted and relevant a campaign, the better your ability to offer exactly what your customers find valuable—and keep them close and loyal. During…

Infographic: The History Of Sales

  To know where you are going, it always helps to take a look at where you’ve been. From the rise of email, laptops and PowerPoint in the 1980s, CRM in the 1990s and social media in the 2000s, this infographic from Lattice Engines provides some perspective for marketers on…

Infographic: 2012 Content Marketing Trends

Nearly 90% of B2B marketing organizations used content marketing in 2012 – more than SEO, events or traditional advertising. These and other 2012 content marketing trends are illustrated in this week's infographic, provided courtesy of Curata.

2013 Demand Gen- What Does the Future Hold?

On-Demand • View Now » 2012 has seen some significant developments in the world of B2B Demand Generation. Buyer habits are changing, content is king, marketing automation vendors are going public and web analytics and social media monitoring technology is being advertised on prime-time television. What does 2013 have in store?

How to Build A Sustainable Content Marketing Strategy

Live Date: January 22, 2013 at 1 PM ET / 10 AM PT  •  Register Now » Marketers know that content is a core element of any successful demand generation strategy. What many of us continue to struggle with, is building a plan that can be sustained for the long haul. A scalable process for generating content ideas, executing on…

Video: Seth Godin On The Tribes We Lead

Over the past few years, the now-famous TEDTalks series has included a number of episodes worth watching if you're a B2B marketer. Here's one of the very best: a 2009 talk from Seth Godin that links modern marketing success to some of our oldest and most powerful social customs.

Webinars: The Missing Link In Your Lead Generation Strategy

Today, 90% of B2B marketers use content marketing as the centerpiece to their content marketing strategies. But not all content is created equal: As more marketers invest in content marketing, many of them are struggling to engage with prospects and drive qualified leads. This eBook explains why webinars are the missing link between content marketing and lead generation. Learn why…

Membership, Engagement and the Metrics that Matter

In a world where Facebook boasts over one billion members and hundreds of millions of people use Twitter and LinkedIn, association executives must address the changing dynamics of member relationships. More than a technology, Social CRM is a philosophy and business strategy that helps associations work smarter. Social CRM is about getting the entire organization on board with the idea…

Evolving Your Marketing Automation from Tactical to Strategic Levels

Live Date: November 30th, 2012 at 1 PM ET / 10 AM PT • Register Now » Recent research has shown that lead generation marketing drives greater growth and effectiveness with executive level support for marketing automation. But what are marketers to do when marketing automation is treated as a basic implementation tool instead of as a strategic capability driven…

Infographic: The Lyris Digital Optimizer Report

This week's infographic, courtesy of Lyris, features the results of an online survey which indicates that email-based digital marketing efforts have the highest percentage of integration with other channels and technologies. It also offers a synopsis to each channel. (Source)
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