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Manufacturers Extend The Digital Transformation To Sales & Marketing

In the past, the success and growth of manufacturing organizations was heavily dependent on a combination of their ability to make competitive products in a cost-effective manner and get those products to as many customers as possible. Over time, companies evolved their product operations with technology and automation, streamlining costs further.

But the process of selling those products lagged at many organizations in this sector, as they steadfastly held on to traditional ways of engaging with customers and prospects. In the internet economy, their success is largely driven by their ability to transition from selling products to needs-based selling by applying technology to sales and marketing.

This white paper will cover the following reasons why ABM is imperative to the manufacturing businesses:

  • The "good old days" of selling are in the rearview mirror;
  • There are many forces disrupting the traditional sales model;
  • Buying committees are the norm and they are wider than ever;
  • "Spray-and-pray" marketing tactics are analogous to "eating celery;" and
  • Marketers must care about more than just generating leads

Download this white paper today to see why ABM is the best bet for your business.

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