The Pipeline Influence Imperative: The Latest Benchmarks On B2B Performance Marketing

The performance expectations for B2B marketers continue to climb. Supporting aggressive revenue growth, often on a tighter budget, and clearly measuring and demonstrating influence on pipeline, are just a few of the new realities for marketers.

During this exclusive webinar, Demand Gen Report's Editorial Director, Andrew Gaffney, and Act-On's CEO, Andy MacMillan, will share key findings from the 2017 Demand Generation Benchmark Survey.

Some of the trends and insights that will be covered in this session will include:

  • How marketers are increasing the efficiency of their spend by focusing on attribution;
  • New approaches to optimizing campaigns across channels;
  • The latest tactics and offers performance marketers are prioritizing for 2017 and beyond; and
  • The metrics and KPIs marketers are now tracking against leads, accounts and revenue; and
  • The impact of the shift towards account-based marketing.

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Andy MacMillan

Andrew Gaffney
Demand Gen Report