COVID-19 Update

Small Teams, BIG Impact: Why ABM Works For Resource-Strapped Teams

Aired On: Dec. 1, 2021 @ 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT

Getting started with ABM may seem daunting, especially for small teams already under pressure to do more with less, such as budget, hours or head count. Join RollWorks as we discuss how to make ABM work for resource-strapped teams.

Whether you're a small team looking to start an effective ABM campaign or your team size has decreased because of the Great Resignation, we're here to help with all things ABM. During this webinar, we cover:

  • The three key templates all small teams need to kickstart their ABM programs;
  • How to better leverage your existing martech stack to get the most out of ABM;
  • How to level up your current team to fulfill ABM needs; and
  • Real ABM success stories from small teams to inspire you.

Devon Watts Devon Watts

Kelly Lindenau Kelly Lindenau
Demand Gen Report

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