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The Myths & Realities Of AI In Marketing & Sales

Research Report

AI is poised to fundamentally change businesses across industries by automating spreadsheet-level tasks that will free up time for more strategic-level thinking. This extends to the B2B sales and marketing world, where executives agree that AI will be "transformative" and a "game changer" for their businesses.

Check out this in-depth research report to see how your AI expertise stacks up against peers.

Here's a sneak peek at the findings:

  • 67% of survey respondents said AI will either be hugely beneficial and/or transformative;
  • 70% feel AI-powered applications will help to improve and accelerate the buyer's journey by recommending next best actions;
  • 38% of respondents plan to use AI-powered applications within their marketing and sales tech stacks.

Get all of the results by downloading the report today!

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