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2018 Database Strategies & Contact Acquisition Survey Report

B2B Orgs Addressing Data Concerns To Achieve Audience-Centric Goals

B2B organizations are dialing up their push to be more audience-centric and develop new channels to engage prospective buyers. However, B2B practitioners are also quickly realizing that the ability to shift messaging, campaigns and channels is dependent on having reliable, accurate and robust data on their customers and prospects.

Findings from Demand Gen Report's 2nd annual Database Strategies & Contact Acquisition Survey reinforced that B2B marketers are looking to do advanced marketing and also planning to invest in database solutions and strategies to support those initiatives.

B2B organizations are also aware that their database strategies need to improve to meet these goals. More than half (51%) stated that there is room for significant improvement when it comes to their database efforts. In comparison, only 13% said they have a "very solid data acquisition strategy."

This survey report will detail how B2B organizations execute their database strategies to have the information they need to fuel targeted, relevant campaigns. Specific topics and deeper dive coverage includes:

  • What data B2B orgs are collecting, as well as what they plan to collect;
  • The current usage of third-party data for data quality and enrichment purposes; and
  • The steps B2B companies are taking to build a better database for themselves.

Fill out the form below to learn about how your database strategy stacks up against your peers in the B2B marketplace.

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