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2015 Benchmark Study: What's Working In Demand Generation?

shadow DGR DG0016 SURV BenchmarkSurvey Jan 2015More than one third (38%) of B2B marketers expect their demand generation budgets to grow by 20% or more in 2015, and they will invest in a number of tactics to drive results, including persona development, webinars and in-person events. In addition, 36% report that their budgets will increase 1% to 10% in the coming year.

Respondents to the 2015 Demand Gen Report Benchmark Study report that those numbers will closely mirror their overall budgets, with 21% anticipating growth of 20% or more in their total marketing budget.

Fill out the form below to gain insight into how B2B marketers are empowering their demand generation strategies for 2015.