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State Of Database Quality & Accuracy: Keeping Databases Up To Date Remains Crucial; Organizations Adapting To Changing Privacy Restrictions

Database maintenance is one of the least glamorous aspects of B2B marketing.

But it's arguably the most critical.

Successful campaigns and strategies rely on accurate, high-quality data as their foundation and use the insights generated to guide future initiatives. However, it seems that organizations' databases aren't currently up to snuff. Demand Gen Report research shows that 68% of marketers have outdated data, while 44% indicated they don't have enough data on existing customers.

As prospects, clients and tech companies become more concerned with privacy and how their information is collected/used, it's becoming more of a challenge to collect accurate data. In light of all-too-common data breaches and frequent legislature regulating data usage, organizations must analyze their databases regularly to ensure they're fully compliant with personal, professional and legal standards while still providing insights that guide successful campaign creation and execution.

As this report navigates the new world of data privacy and its implications on quality and accuracy, specific areas of focus include:

  • Strategies of building trust with targets and clients to ensure collection of accurate data;
  • How to alleviate prospects' privacy and security concerns;
  • The move away from third-party data as organizations embrace first-party insights;
  • How to use data to create comprehensive, up-to-date email campaigns; and
  • The importance of scrubbing and cleansing databases on a regular basis.

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