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Advances In Applications Make ABM More Achievable For B2B Marketers

As the B2B marketing arena continues to evolve, account-based marketing (ABM) has reemerged as an effective strategy for driving revenue. The trend hasn't escaped the notice of marketing technology vendors. A number of companies have quickly adapted their offerings to accommodate ABM practices — further simplifying the approach for B2B marketers.

Investment in ABM continues to grow as well. SiriusDecisions’ 2016 State of Account-Based Marketing study shows that 58% of companies plan to invest in ABM services or technology in 2016. Companies such as Brocade, Host Analytics and Limelight Networks are seeing substantial ROI from shifting their marketing strategies to focus heavily on target accounts.

In addition to expanding their offerings to meet ABM expectations, tech companies are integrating their solutions into other foundational B2B marketing platforms to provide a comprehensive approach to ABM, as well as an overarching view of how the programs impact the company’s bottom line.

Want to know how marketers are using ABM— and ABM technology — to target, engage and close key accounts

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