COVID-19 Update

2020 Customer Experience Outlook Guide: Reinventing The Martech Stack For The New Year & Beyond

The foundations of marketing and sales automation have positioned B2B businesses to scale for growth, leading to a newer focus on better experience management to personalize messaging and build authentic relationships.

Marketing and sales teams, as well as the solution providers that enable them, have been pivoting extensively to move to the next stage of marketing automation — ultimately going beyond individual leads to having a holistic, 360-degree view of the customer that empowers them to make better business decisions. This shift has also led to a higher focus on tools and tactics such as intent data, conversational marketing, AI and more — to further refine and customize the buying journey.

Read on to learn from industry experts and practitioners on what tools, tactics and strategies will amplify the customer experience in 2020 and beyond. Topics of discussion include:

  • The current state of customer experience in the B2B marketplace and how they see companies evolving their go-to-market efforts over the next couple of years;
  • How customer intelligence will impact sales and marketing teams;
  • The new role marketing automation and CRM solutions will play in a customer-driven world; and
  • The technologies that will have the greatest impact on B2B companies and their ability to offer customer centric experiences.

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