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Demandbase Rolls Out Real-Time ID App To Drive Web Form Performance

Addressing the the historically low conversion rates most BtoB marketers experience as well as the poor data quality Demandbase, Inc. has released a new Real-Time ID Service for Web Forms.

Allowing marketers to plug the API-based web service into existing as well as new online forms, the ID service is designed help marketers improve the ROI on programs that rely on web site visitors to submit information. The service is targeted at all types of Web marketing tactics, including: paid search, email, webinars, banner ads, social media and other lead generation programs.

Addressing the realities of poor cost-per-lead metrics and a high percentage of web form abandonment, the Real-time ID Service for Web Forms is positioned to allow marketers to create shorter forms that more visitors are likely to complete. The program does this by plugging in to existing forms to identify businesses and critical company or account information so information like company address, industry, revenues, or number of employees can simply be appended in the background.

“B2B Marketers are faced with poor cost-per-lead metrics relative to their B2C counterparts, and are still struggling with how to monetize web traffic into actual sales leads.” said Chris Golec, CEO of Demandbase. “So many marketing and lead gen campaigns depend on visitors completing some kind of registration, inquiry, or lead form for success. With more than 97% of visitors lost, web form abandonment becomes the Achilles heel for B2B marketers."

With the amount of information often requested of Web visitors -- frequently more than ten questions – there is a smaller percentage of web visitors who will bother to complete the form. There’s also the likelihood that a large portion of information entered by visitors is either inaccurate or inconsistently formatted, making it difficult for marketers to merge into CRM and Marketing Automation systems for retargeting or qualification for sales follow up.

The Demandbase Real Time ID Service for Web Forms is designed to increase both the accuracy and the quantity of information on a potential lead that is fed in to sales and marketing databases.

With Demandbase’s Business Resolution Platform, identification of key accounts can take place with proprietary algorithms that create a database of 800 million IP addresses across North America and Europe, over 30 million business contacts, and information from social networks critical for business including Facebook and LinkedIn.

Addressing the the historically low conversion rates most BtoB marketers experience as well as the poor data quality Demandbase, Inc. has released a new Real-Time ID Service for Web Forms.

Allowing marketers to plug the API-based web service into existing as well as new online forms, the ID service is designed help marketers improve the ROI on programs that rely on web site visitors to submit information. The service is targeted at all types of Web marketing tactics, including: paid search, email, webinars, banner ads, social media and other lead generation programs.

Addressing the realities of poor cost-per-lead metrics and a high percentage of web form abandonment, the Real-time ID Service for Web Forms is positioned to allow marketers to create shorter forms that more visitors are likely to complete. The program does this by plugging in to existing forms to identify businesses and critical company or account information so information like company address, industry, revenues, or number of employees can simply be appended in the background.

“B2B Marketers are faced with poor cost-per-lead metrics relative to their B2C counterparts, and are still struggling with how to monetize web traffic into actual sales leads.” said Chris Golec, CEO of Demandbase. “So many marketing and lead gen campaigns depend on visitors completing some kind of registration, inquiry, or lead form for success. With more than 97% of visitors lost, web form abandonment becomes the Achilles heel for B2B marketers."

With the amount of information often requested of Web visitors -- frequently more than ten questions – there is a smaller percentage of web visitors who will bother to complete the form. There’s also the likelihood that a large portion of information entered by visitors is either inaccurate or inconsistently formatted, making it difficult for marketers to merge into CRM and Marketing Automation systems for retargeting or qualification for sales follow up.

The Demandbase Real Time ID Service for Web Forms is designed to increase both the accuracy and the quantity of information on a potential lead that is fed in to sales and marketing databases.

With Demandbase’s Business Resolution Platform, identification of key accounts can take place with proprietary algorithms that create a database of 800 million IP addresses across North America and Europe, over 30 million business contacts, and information from social networks critical for business including Facebook and LinkedIn.