How To Get Your Campaign Groove On

This 29 page e-book looks at seven types of campaigns that can help you build successful demand generation programs.

Campaigns are an integral part of any successful marketing automation lead generation activities.

This E-book covers a range of campaign types, gives useful examples and touches on specific elements of:

  • Segmenting audiences and building nurture campaigns
  • Streamlining personalization by automating follow up
  • Automating repetitive business tasks

Digital marketing has transformed how most organizations market today. At the core of successful marketing organizations is the concept of a “demand center” enabled by marketing automation—one that links marketing activity, and the customer buying and sales processes to analytics that close the loop
between investment and results.

Here are some key ideas:

  • Develop an understanding of key buying indicators to help in crafting messaging
  • Campaign actions may be online, or offline
  • Use active and compelling subject lines
  • Automated sales acceleration helps compensate for fewer marketing personnel

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