COVID-19 Update

8 Key Steps To Humanize The Buyer Experience In Account-Based Marketing

In the post-pandemic, digital-first world, marketing interactions that tap into the human essence of needs and approach will set the leaders apart from the laggards. This is even more critical in an ABM setting, where marketers can target their efforts with great precision. Instead of throwing spaghetti at a wall and hoping it will stick, modern marketers are using the data at their disposal to create exceptional buyer experiences that propel their businesses forward.

To get a finger on the pulse of the strategies B2B companies are using to drive human interactions with ABM programs, Demand Gen Report hosted a virtual roundtable for thought-leaders and practitioners to hear what they're doing to stand out among key accounts in a digital setting.

Check out this brief to get an inside look at the conversation, where the attendees discussed how to:

  • Scale insights over outreach;
  • Combine intent data with predictive analytics to get a clear understanding of an account;
  • Align campaigns with buyer stages; and
  • Adjust engagement for various geographies.

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