Dreamforce 2011: Sam Weber, CEO, Genius.com

Sam Weber, CEO, Genius.com

Live from the “Genius Lab,” CEO Sam Weber shares more about the company’s “back to the future” approach as part of launching “The New Genius.” Weber explains Genius’ success in the freemium market, as the company has progressed to more than 2,500 freemium accounts, in addition to 500 paying customers.

Dreamforce 2011 Video Coverage:

  • Joe Payne, CEO, Eloqua - Watch Now

  • Umberto Milletti, CEO, InsideView - Watch Now

  • Adam Needles, Chief Strategy Officer, Left Brain DGA - Watch Now

  • Sam Weber, CEO, Genius.com - Watch Now

  • Ryan Allis, CEO, iContact - Watch Now

  • Mike Volpe, CMO, Hubspot - Watch Now

  • Raghu Raghavan, CEO, Act-On Software - Watch Now

  • Jim Meyer, Vice President, eTrigue Corp - Watch Now

  • Jeff Erramouspe, President, Manticore - Watch Now