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Our Curated Lives

gary-high-res-resized-600By Gary Griffiths, CEO and Co-Founder, Trapit


Like it or not, our lives are curated.  Yet some businesses believe they must rely only on content they’ve created.

Walking down the aisles of my local supermarket the other day, it occurred to me that when it comes to groceries, the grocer plays a role similar to Google.  In the grocery store, it is all about shelf placement — the prime middle spaces on the shelves are more likely to attract buyers than the bottom shelves.  And the grocer demands extra merchandising fees for this prime real estate.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 1447

Marketing Lessons In Love: How To Romance Potential Customers

Christina-Yum-96x96By Christina Yum, Campaign Coordinator, MarketBridge

This post originally appeared on The Digital Bridge, a blog sponsored by MarketBridge.

Online dating — once considered more taboo than normative — is an undeniable force in today’s digitally connected world. It’s a $2.1 billion market that grew 7.1 % last year (IBISWorld).

The online dating ritual of curating your profile, dictating your preferences, and sending out a few clever messages can offer some insightful lessons for your business’ marketing campaign. The parallels are evident — you’ve crafted a story for your brand (you), identified your audience (handsome prospects), and pushed out content through an email campaign (your first Tinder message).

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 1544

The Many Faces of Marketing Automation

Jon RussoBy Jon Russo, Founder, B2B Fusion Group

When I recently attended Oracle’s Marketing Cloud kickoff event, where Oracle COO Mark Hurd gave his presentation to 100 of us, we had a chance to ask him questions at the conclusion. My question for him was, “how are you using Eloqua internally, what is your use case and roadmap vision?”

There were multiple use cases shared for marketing automation, each requiring different elements from their CRM or end users depending on the type of company.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 2719

Why Top Marketing Leaders Are Making Advocate Marketing A Strategic Priority

MarkOrgan HeadshotBy Mark Organ, CEO and Founder, Influitive


More leads. That’s what every marketer wants. Dump more leads into the top of the funnel and more customers will fall out the bottom, or so the theory goes.

Companies are investing hundreds of millions of dollars building software to fill, optimize, organize and analyze every stage of that marketing and sales funnel. More emails, content and social media posts are churned out every day, contributing to the overwhelming noise that buyers must tune out in order to make a purchase decision. It’s no wonder that few executives answer their phones or read all of their emails these days.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 2522