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Demanding Views

Adding Revenue Contribution To ROI Measures Connects Marketing to Real Dollars

By Chris Frank, Director of Marketing, TreeHouse Interactive

There’s an old saying about marketing: “Marketing is the last in and first out.” What this means is that marketing is often the last team brought on at a company and the first to leave. It’s a scary thought in this economy. Maybe that’s why several conferences I’ve attended over the past year talk to the growing executive mantra of “accountability” when it comes to marketing and the need to show return on investment (ROI).

Evaluating the ROI Potential of External Lead Gen Sources

By Dennis Head, Principal eDemand Leads LLC

While I was working at Avaya, we had developed very effective lead metrics that allowed us to track the various lead sources from our marketing tactics.  We were able to compare the conversion rate of each source into a qualified enterprise lead through our telequalification process.  This conversion rate scorecard was reviewed weekly to determine the volume of various lead sources and the percentage of conversions. We consistently delivered leads that converted from Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) to Sales Qualified Leads (SQL) in the 70% to 80% range.

Developing Nurturing Programs To Support Webinar Offerings

 By Ardath Albee, Author of Marketing Interactions blog

Nurturing programs have many more applications than drip marketing campaigns to your house lead list and eNewsletters sent to your customers. A webinar requires a number of steps from pre-promotion to post-event follow-up. But, when's the last time you actually thought about them as a nurturing program?

The audience has to be aware you’re having a Webinar, decide it’s worth their time to attend, and be motivated to register. Once attendees are there, you want them to stay the entire time, and continue dialogue.