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Demanding Views

Social Content Networks Emerging As Next Gen Document Management

By Eric Hoffert, CEO, ShareMethods

As any salesperson knows, having the most up to date and accurate marketing materials is a must.  Surprisingly, email, while ineffective, is still one of the most common methods for document sharing, yet even when companies want to move away from it, the options are IT intensive and lack flexibility. But, times have changed and as business ecosystems have become more and more distributed, and salespeople are traveling less, having a way to securely work together and collaborate around important documents has gone from being a nice-to-have to a necessity.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 7134

Marketing Blueprints in Action: How to Build an Awareness/Thought Leadership Blueprint

By Mike Gospe, Principal & Co-Founder, KickStart Alliance

One of the most common types of marketing programs is the "awareness & thought leadership" program.  This specific program has the objective of focusing the company on the business and solutions topics target audiences cares about.  Instead of immediately diving down to the feature-rich technical jargon, this program positions the vendor as a business partner, and thus allows for a consultative approach in dialoguing with customers and prospects.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 6935

Radically Optimize Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing Efforts

By Jill Konrath, Author, “Selling to Big Companies

It's imperative to begin with a common definition of a lead. Marketing and Sales need to agree on this and sometimes it's a bit of a challenge. Marketing then needs to take charge of the moving the leads through the funnel – from when the seeker initially raises his hand expressing interest until he's a sales-ready prospect.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 7108

Out-Of-The-Box Demand Gen: Turning Blog Commenters Into Your Next Customers

By Neil Sequeira, Director Client Operations, ReadyContacts

Social media marketing has made its presence felt over the last year or two and has caught the attention of several large companies. Whether it’s publishing a company blog, creating pages on Facebook and LinkedIn or having key executives stay active on Twitter, several well established companies have joined the social media marketing bandwagon to interact with the online world.

  • Written by Industry Analyst
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 19309