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Demanding Views

7 Tips to Get Biggest Bang Out Of Sales, Marketing Databases

By Jim Meyer, Vice President, eTrigue Corp.


Now more than ever it is important to tend to the database to get the most from marketing initiatives.  Accurate prospect information – proper name and title, what and when content was viewed on your Web site – provides valuable clues as to how best to move prospects to the next phase of the buying process.  Whether that is reaching out with a targeted email from marketing or having a salesperson call, it is important to make sure the right team is focused on the right audience, at the right time. This all depends on having accurate information readily available in the tools that help sales and marketing get their jobs done.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3524

Process Audit Needed To Identify Breaks In Lead Management

carlosphoto_60wBy Carlos Hidalgo, President, The Annuitas Group

Marketing automation systems are robust and do allow marketers to become more efficient and effective, but they can’t deliver the process-based approach that will ultimately help the marketer meet the demands of today. It’s tempting to believe that that technology will cure all of the marketer’s ills. But it won’t. Companies that adopt marketing automation technology without the planning and development of process will not reach the potential returns they could otherwise achieve.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 4438

Pairing Web Analytics With CRM, Email Tools Presents New BtoB Platform Options

leadlander_60wWeb analytics are still a new concept for some BtoB marketers, but for the early adopters of these tools the intelligence gathered from online traffic is proving to be a vital tool for qualifying leads and tracking the behavior of prospects. San Francisco-based LeadLander has been one of the pioneers in this space and has carved a unique niche by providing sales teams with real-time analysis of Web activity.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3605

B2B Newsletters: Looking Beyond Opens, Clicks For Real Success

Ardath_Albee_60wBy Ardath Albee, BtoB Marketing Strategist, Marketing Interactions

Newsletters delivered via email are a staple for many BtoB companies. These e-newsletters usually contain titles, descriptions and links to several articles, perhaps an executive column, a customer spotlight, an invitation to a webinar or a white paper download and any product or company news at hand.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3834